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旗下欄目: 聚焦 市場 評論 軼聞


來源:中國藝術(shù)資訊網(wǎng) 作者:海東 人氣: 發(fā)布時間:2023-04-18


  朱雨澤 & 陳欣 雙個展Zhu Yuze & Chen Xin Joint Solo Exhibition

  主辦 Sponsor靜草畫室 Jingcao Art Studio

  策展人 Curator 李蕊 Li Rui

  致謝 Thanks to 勞煒科 Lao Weike (展名書寫)

  開幕OPENING | 2023.04.22 16:00

  展覽時間 | Time : 2023.04.22–05.21

  地點 | Venue: 地址:四川省成都市大石西路86號2樓13號




  朱雨澤,乙亥-1,宣紙 巖彩,68x68cm,2019


  陳欣,2019年白湖的夏天 No.3, 布面宣紙綜合材料

  60x60cm, 2019




  Natural History——Interpretation of Landscape by Zhu Yuze and Chen Xin

  At the beginning of the chaotic world, all things in nature are coexisting born. Lao Tzu said: "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature." Lao Tzu, who is honored as "the father of natural science", constructed the Eastern philosophy using the Taoist view of natural order. Aristotelian philosophers in the classical age also studied and analyzed the diversity of the natural world. So, the mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations reached an ideological consensus. Tracing the source, the natural history of Zhang Hua in the Western Jin Dynasty, and Pliny the Elder in ancient Rome, is also natural science that is all-encompassing, incorporating the true image mirroring the twins of human beings and nature. Gradually, the appearance of modern art becomes apparent, and scientific concepts become hidden, which changes people's view of nature and even the view of the world.

  Artists Zhu Yuze and Chen Xin both had a living experience in Germany, traveling to the West and being enlightened in the East. They are both deeply influenced by the wisdom of traditional Chinese culture, studying the essence of modern abstraction, and taking oriental philosophy as the context. As outstanding and mature artists, they have long realized the ultimate goal of art, that only by constructing a truly unique personal system, forming the irreplaceable academic viewpoints and artistic context. Only then can it return to the true nature of art. In the experimentation and exploration of artistic creation, they integrated science, naturalology, history, Human literature, and other knowledge systems to explore the scientific research methods of naturalism in contemporary landscape painting, combining art as prominent theory and science as implicit theory, In the end, the high level of self-cultivation of knowledge-based artists is shown via a distinctive visual schema.

  朱雨澤,庚子-1,69x69cm,宣紙 巖彩,2020

  Zhu Yuze has brought forward the unique scientific concept of "New Naturalism" fractal aesthetics in contemporary ink painting in his artistic journey over 40 years. He has keenly discovered that, the theory of "Fractal Geometry" and fractal laws from the field of mathematics are in line with China's Lao Tzu's way of nature. Hence, he has carried out theoretical analysis and artistic creation practice for more than 30 years. With the super high state of neo-naturalism, he returns to the authenticism. He takes real mountains and rivers as the cornerstone and is proud of the spirit of new ink painting. He even uses a technique of "the law of no law". With the most essential and simple energy from the heart, he strengthens the halo that is blended with color and ink. and creates a vivid, majestic, and dynamic ink painting artistic conception. In the contemporary context, it transcends subjectivity and objectivity, which has created and presented his "Second Nature" theory by combining nature and human, wandering in the emptiness, enjoying freedom, and precepting the world. This is the spiritual universe of seclusion by a profound scholar.

  陳欣,枕空山 No.34,布面油畫


    Chen Xin integrates the artistic context of the East and the West. As an artist presenting in the form of abstract expression, Chen Xin has devoted himself to art since 1999. He has long been focusing on the spirit and desire state of modern people. He also has advanced artistic concepts and visual experience. By combining Technology and New Media, and breaking through the limitation of materials, he has formed a unique "empty mountain" and "air style" aesthetic conception with a subtle to broad and elegant literati charm, which has brought the past travelling to the present; with the contemporary Abstract Pop technique, he has created his "Xin landscape". His landscape brushstrokes are distinct, layered and interlaced, rich in color, focusing on the structure of the schema and vigor of the temperament. Thus, he creates the elegance of oriental culture, and reconstructs a dialogue with nature and a return to spiritual tradition.

  Therefore, among all things in the world, art transcends subjectivity and objectivity, awakens the ontological awareness of the natural landscape in the universe, and achieves an ideal state of authentic art, which is the true meaning of natural history.

  By Li Rui

  關(guān)于藝術(shù)家 | ARTIST

  朱雨澤 Zhu Yuze


  Zhu Yuze (Taoist name Xian Yunzi) is an artist, and an art theorist. He was born in Beijing in 1963. He studied at History Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1982. He graduated from Art Department of Tokyo University in 1988. He pursued further studies in Munich School of Philosophy, and Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts From1994 to 1997. He published over 30 essays in both domestic and foreign journals. He is the first artist to fully elaborate on the combination of fractal theory and contemporary art. He also puts the theory into practice with his own works. His academic works have been displayed in U.S. and Europe, and collected by many private collectors and renowned galleries both at home and abroad.

  陳欣 Chen Xin

  陳欣出生于北京,2006年畢業(yè)于德國慕尼黑造型藝術(shù)學(xué)院,藝術(shù)碩士,職業(yè)藝術(shù)家,F(xiàn)生活工作于北京-慕尼黑。自1999 年投身藝術(shù)至今,陳欣早年關(guān)注現(xiàn)代人的精神和欲望狀態(tài),以抽象表現(xiàn)的形式呈現(xiàn)。作為一個具有德國留學(xué)背景,又深受中國文化浸染的藝術(shù)家,陳欣近年探求東西,借古開今,以東方文化中的山水(Shanshui)、扇為抽象探索路徑,將傳統(tǒng)人文的“空山”、“氣格”等美學(xué)意境、概念在當(dāng)下進(jìn)行重構(gòu)、再造和轉(zhuǎn)化。陳欣作品屢次參加國內(nèi)外重要展覽。

  Chen Xin was born in Beijing, and graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from Akademie der Bildenden Künste München (Germany) in 2006. He lives and works in Beijing and Munich. Since 1999, Chen Xin has been concerned about the spirit and desire of modern people, he took the concept as the theme of abstract painting. In recent years, Chen Xin began to pay attention to the oriental culture. He is re-deconstruction, reestablishment, and transformation of traditional humanistic aesthetics - "The Shaped of the Mountains" .His works have repeatedly participated in the important exhibitions of the world。







